Designer / Art Director


Symbria delivers a coordinated approach to pharmacy, rehab and fitness services—fueled by analytics. Despite the forward-thinking approach to their enterprise, their presence online was woefully out-of-date.

Building from an evolved Symbria core story, we retooled their entire digital presence from the navigation and content organization of the site to a completely advanced user interface.

Check out the site here.

Relying on research to illuminate.

Relying on research to illuminate.

Bridging the gap from brand strategy to solid user experience, the site serves as a guided journey of the Symbria story — the premier and trusted expert in aging care support.

Mobile always first, the journey never last.

Mobile always first, the journey never last.

Guided by a mobile-first ethos— the site was built from the small up. The elegant and contemporary brand direction is maintained throughout the UI experience—airy, sophisticated typography with a graceful scrolling motion.

 Visit the site  here .

Visit the site here.